Tables overall

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Tables overall

This is reached from Tables setup to set the global options to be used for all tables in this run.

Project global

There are some tables options that are set in Project global settings which affect all tables produced from the project:

Show question (entry) names on tables

Averages use question text

Minimum questionnaires to show on tables

CSV tables options

These settings control the way the CSV tables file is produced using the settings in CSV tables options.

You will not normally not need to change these.

Spreadsheet output

This option causes the conversion of the tables CSV file to a formatted OpenXML/Excel file using the settings in Spreadsheet options.

Output a TXT file as well

This option causes a printable text file of the tables to be produced as well as the CSV/spreadsheet output.

Spreadsheet options

An OpenXML/Excel file is produced.

These settings alter the spreadsheet output using Spreadsheet options.

Normally there is a table of contents and a separate sheet for each table.  You can turn off this setting so that all the tables are put into a single sheet.


This text is placed at the top of each page in text output.

It is also put as the header in the spreadsheet output for printing which will only show in page layout view.

You can instead use the header text at the top of every sheet using the setting in Spreadsheet options.

You can also add a small logo to the print header, see Logo file.


This text is placed at the bottom of each page in text output.

It is also put as the footer in the spreadsheet output for printing which will only show in page layout view.

Note that the date and page numbers will also be in the print footer.

You can instead use the footer text at the top of every sheet (under the header) using the setting in Spreadsheet options.


This is the overall filter which selects the records to be used in the tables.  Only records which pass this filter will be included in the tables.  If this is blank then all records in the data files selected will be used.

You can type the filter directly in which case there is an indicator which informs you whether the syntax is correct or not.  See Logic definitions for guidance on the syntax to use.

You can use the format button to access Filter definition to enter the overall filter using menu selections.


These are the overall format options that will be used for every table in the run.  Individual tables can override these settings.

Any format not used will have its default value.

You can type the desired formats directly in which case there is an indicator which informs you whether the syntax is correct or not.

Format settings take the following form separated by a forward slash (/):

The 3 letter name

For logical formats the name can be preceded by N, for example NRTV

For numeric formats the name must be followed by a number, for example DPR1

For character formats the name must be followed by a single character in quotes, for example CNZ'0'

So a correct syntax could be ANR/ANV/NRTV/DPR1/CNZ'0'

See Formats overview for details of individual format settings.

You can select format options using Formats button to access Format options. This can also be used to remove redundant default settings.

WARNING: Formats ATN/STN should be avoided because they prevent the correct usage of any decimal place settings on individual tables.  Please use the renumber facility instead.

Respondent weight

This is the float question that will be used as the respondent weight for all the tables.  It will usually be a float entry (question or variable).

See Respondent weighting for details.

If used, each record added to the table cells will add the respondent weight instead of 1.

If there is an entry called WEIGHT in the project this will be automatically selected here.

You can enter the name of the weight entry directly in which case there is an indicator which informs you whether it is the name of a valid entry or not.

You can use the Respondent weighting button to get a list of appropriate entries with Entry select.

Having selected a respondent weight you can return to unweighted tables by turning off the "Use respondent weighting" check box..

See Weighting introduction for details about weighting tables.

Data files

This lists the data files containing the records to be included in the tables.

Data files will normally be ASC or portable CSV files.

The number of data files currently selected is shown below the list.

You can:

Select all: to select all the data files listed

Replace selected: to remove all the selected files from the list and replace them with different files

Remove selected: to remove all the selected files from the list

Add files: to add extra data files to the list

You cannot mix different data file types: binary, character, and CSV.

IMPORTANT: You can only use up to 16 data files in a run.