Program structure

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Program structure


There are five windows (with associated menus and toolbars) in the program:

Main window

Entry details window

Raw data view window

Data view window

Data prepare window

Most menu (and toolbar) selections invoke new windows for further information to be entered.

Main window

When the program is started the user is placed at the Main window which contains a menu and a toolbar for the most common modules.

The main body of the window shows a list of all the entries in the opened project.

The status bar shows important global settings for the project.

Entry details window

This is used to create and update entries (questions, filters and variables).

This window has a menu, toolbar and status bar.

Raw data view window

This window enables you to:

Open and save existing data files

Amend, sort and view data

Manipulate data

Apply settings

Run reports

This window has a menu.

Data view window

This window enables you to:

Open and save new and existing data files

Select which data checks to apply

View a raw data file

Run reports from one data file

This window has a menu.

Data prepare window

This window enables you to:

Open existing data files

Run reports from more than one data file

See sections data log and data summary.