Format settings within text

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Format settings within text

There are a number of ways to include format settings in text:


This label control can be included at the beginning of a horizontal (break/banner) text or a vertical (stub/row) text. When these texts are used on a table the formats are implemented before table printing starts. Formats set in this way are safe because they are used as though they had been set on the tabulate command.


This label control can be used in horizontal text to alter the formats for this item (column) only. Only a selected list of formats can be used in this way. These formats are safe to use even if the table overflows when printing. Formats as below:

DPT Decimal Places for Tables figures (not stats, not percentages)

DPR Decimal Places for Percentages

MRC Margin Right for Cells

CLW Column Label Width

CAZ Character to print for Absolute Zero (not percentages)

CNZ Character to print for Nearly Zero

CUV Character to print for Undefined Value

AVG Averages or mean scores

NRTI Index percentages (turn off only)

NRTH Horizontal percentages (turn off only)

NRTT Total percentages (turn off only)

NRTV Vertical percentages (turn off only)

SDV Standard Deviations

SER Standard Errors

EVR Error Variances

MSE Mean over Standard Error

This label control can be used in vertical text to alter the formats for this item (row) only. Only a selected list of formats can be used in this way. These formats are safe to use even if the table overflows when printing. Formats as below:

BRS Blank Row Suppress

MPS Minimum Percentage Suppress rows (0.01% each)


This label control can be included in any text and any format settings will take affect when the text is scanned in the Print Stage. This will normally only be used in vertical (stub/row) labels. Care is needed if the table overflows because the format will still be in effect on the overflow.