Recent changes

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Recent changes

Latest releases are listed first.  See also Current functionality.

Companion Input should be used instead of QPSMR Input.

Reflect users please note:

Companion Reflect is needed to read reflect databases.

Tables files built in Companion, including the new grid tables, are fully compatible with Companion Reflect.

Classic grid tables will now run unchanged in Companion.

UNI files (with a .uni extension) are treated differently starting with version 24.1, see Fixed format data files for type details.

Note that significance markers merged with data cells will now use the settings in Spreadsheet visuals.


Version 25.1

Versions 22.2 to 25.1 are  built with Visual Studio 2022 and use the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.

Option to request response texts in entry list in input, see Input options

Option to request focus to the Serial box in Input start, see Input options

Page Down key moves to next unanswered question in input

Enter key option (default) also moves to next unanswered question in input, see Input options

Option to change the font used for tables, see Spreadsheet options

New Quick tables option to include quantity weighting, see Quick tables

Option to see one question at a time during data entry, see Input options

New spreadsheet tables option to use the default settings, see Spreadsheet options

New spreadsheet tables option to remove markers showing difference from total (now default), see Spreadsheet options

New Quick tables option to set the CSV and spreadsheet options, see Quick tables

Version 24.2

24.2.2 You can now change the colours for significance tests against total , see Spreadsheet visuals

More flexible export of multi-coded entries, see Data export and Export type user control

Customisable Excel tables output, see Spreadsheet visuals

Horizontal line (border) added between each table row in Excel output to make printed tables easier to read, see Spreadsheet visuals

Format TTV5 uses Welch's t test for means which does not assume equal variances

Formats MSE and PRO2 can be used to get paired t test significance tests

Version 24.1

24.1.2 You can now set the the font colour and size for significance markers, see Spreadsheet visuals

24.1.2 Extra options when creating summary responses with Responses block update

24.1.2 You can now remove column identifiers with [Edit] [Change column identifiers on selected entries]

24.1.2 Some HTML commands are now removed from TXT tables output

24.1.2 Import from triple-s with CSV data adds serial numbers if not present in the CSV data file

New Main window menu Analysis option for Quick tables production

Up to 8 levels can now be used for ranking rows and columns, see Response analysis settings tool window

Triple-s import from Main window menu File option now uses any filters specified

New Main window menu Answers option to Convert fixed data files to another type, see Fixed format data files for type details

New setting in Project global settings General tab to show the Tables.txt file when tables are produced instead of the spreadsheet tables

New option in Paste special tables to keep the original names for pasted tables

Hidden entries are no longer exported by [File] [Export whole project and data] to SPSS

New Main window menu CL option to view the CL script syntax online manual

Version 23.2

Empty significance markers can now be output to CSV tables as a single blank, see CSV tables options

Verbatim question texts can now contain any mix of languages using Telin

New Make grid tool window to create a Grid question set and a Grid variable pair for Grid tables

Version 23.1 New Main window menu File option to load (import) from a CSV file

23.1.4 Opening a Classic QDF now creates grid variables

23.1.4 Merge files now accepts multiple merge files.

23.1.4. Multilevel ranking of table rows, see Response analysis settings tool window

23.1.3. New setting in Project global settings General tab for East Asian languages

23.1.2. New Main window menu Raw option to check the encoding of a data file

23.1.2. Format MSE (mean over standard error) now shows significance level markers in CSV tables output

23.1.2. Companion Android input can now use SFTP or FTPS sites for transferring projects and data, see Project global settings

More than 26 columns can be compared with statistics using more than 1 character column identifier.

New setting in Project global settings General tab to allow column identifiers up to 4 characters long, see Column identifiers

Version 22.2

22.2.3. New Main window menu Raw option to combine verbatim files into a single CSV file.

New Spreadsheet options to produce selected additional copies of tables with limited information

New format CLM to set the character for formats LMA and LMB which mark cells with few respondents

New button to duplicate entry in Entry details toolbar

Spreadsheet options, Separate sheets default is now off

New Score values tool window to set score values on the responses in the current entry in Entry details window

New CSV tables options to set controls on CSV tables output (moved from Spreadsheet options)

New Entry details variable responses toolbar option to make definitions false for all selected responses

Revised Spreadsheet options with new logo setting, new named save and load options, and new delete CSV after option

New Main window menu Analysis options to set or remove default Spreadsheet options files

The TablesLogo.jpg file is no longer used unless it is opened in Spreadsheet options

New down arrows on Tables setup to move to the next table

Version 22.1

Versions 2020.1 to 22.1 were built with Visual Studio 2019 and use the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.

22.1.3. New format CMS to control the character to replace cell contents when the unweighted figure is below the minimum set in Project global settings.

22.1.3. Any character with upper and lower case equivalents, including those with diacritics, and can now be used as Column identifiers

Conversion of tables to Excel is now considerably faster than in previous versions

You can set the name of the worksheet that will contain the tables, see Tables overall

You can change the name of the worksheet to contain the following tables, see Tables setup menu

You can change the job header and footer for following tables, see Tables setup menu

Data files can now contain any languages as data unless they are binary files, see data files

The new Unicode version of the CL engine is now used to produce tables, unless binary data files are used

Tables can now be produced containing multiple languages regardless of the Locale set in the control panel, unless binary data files are used

All output files are now saved as UTF-8 with BOM, see Unicode

Version 2021.2

2021.2.3. SPSS main menu exports now create new data files as CSV (not UNI).

2021.2.2. New main menu [Answers] option to scan a multi-coded entry in a data file and make a variable with all combinations found (TURF analysis), see Response combinations

2021.2.2. New main menu [Project] option to produce a list of all entries in the project to a file

2021.2.2. New main menu [Answers] option to make a single-coded variable that picks up all the unique texts from a data file in a character question

2021.2.2. New setting in Project global to not export empty entries and responses when using the main menu File export options that Convert multi to singles

2021.2.2. New main menu File option to export to SPSS converting multi-coded responses to separate variables, see Project export

2021.2.2. New main menu File option to export the whole project and data converting multi-coded to sets of single-coded with one response each, see Project export

2021.2.2. Companion will now warn about ambiguous number texts unless "Ignore ambiguous response text numbers" is set in Project global settings.

2021.2.2. CSV type data can contain texts that match the response texts when being read.

2021.2.2. CSV type data can use more than 1 column for multi-coded questions when being read.

2021.2.2. Recent projects list now stored in C:\ProgramData\NetMR Ltd\IniCompanion.txt.

New Main window menu Data menu option to output a coding (verbatim) file for selected character and verbatim questions

Character questions can now have a "Code text to" setting in Entry details question

Most files produced by Companion are now UTF-8 encoded with BOM, see Unicode

Filter text to be used on tables is now shown in Tables setup

Empty questions following an Ineligible or Close response will no longer be flagged as errors in Data check

Version 2021.1

2021.1.3. Project global now has Input file download FTP site details

2021.1.3. New tables Spreadsheet options to put header and footer on every sheet

2021.1.3. Image TablesLogo.jpg used as logo on spreadsheet tables print layout

New input change serial option, see Change serial

New input verify option for paper projects, see Input verify

Input now checks user names to control access for update and verify

Input works with fixed format and CSV data

New functionality for Input data, see Make input file and Input start for multiple users in the same data file

Ability to set character questions to a constant text during data entry, see Entry details question.

Version 2020.2

New Spreadsheet options to limit the decimal places for values output to Excel

New Grid variables now used for creating Grid tables

New controls for OpenXML/Excel output for new line, bold, italic, and underline, see Text rules

New +?+ control to test against following columns, see Column identifiers

You can choose the type of data file to save from the Data view window File menu

New Main window menu CATI items to extract and then save or export the CATI Current data

New Main window menu CATI item to count status for each current record by sample and quota points

New Main window menu CATI item to list appointments

New Main window menu CATI item to count all call outcomes for each record by sample and quota points

New Main window menu CATI items to list serial numbers and check for missing or duplicate serials

New option in Tables overall to turn off respondent weighting

New S (sum) button in Logic definition user control for variable responses when used as rows on a table

New Response analysis settings tool window settings to output the sum of the rows to the end of table rows

Version 2020.1

New Tables setup menu options to paste and paste special tables to specific positions

New format MCM to set minimum base for significance testing of means, see Significance formats

Tables can now be run using UNI (Unicode) data files

New option in Project global settings Input tab to back up all records entered to ProgramData

Font sizes have been standardised, use Tools, Options settings to change

Verbatim CSV files are now stored as UTF-8 files

New Significance formats in Data drill down for overlapping columns being tested

New Paste special tables option in Tables setup to change table names and references before pasting

Row responses marked as "Base for following" now output a spreadsheet RT row for the new base figures

Companion Reflect now has Data drill down as well as Tables setup

Relevant project global formats are now used in Data drill down

New window to the set significance formats from Format options and Tables global

Default setting for format SHG is changed to SHG11, see Significance formats

Version 2019.2

New setting to open file or web page during input, see Project global settings input tab and Question details Execute setting

New Tables setup menu [Global] option to create default formats for the project using those from Tables overall

New main menu [Analysis] option to create default formats for the project

New main menu [Answers] options to download and combine uploaded study data from the FTP site

New main menu [CATI] option to add sample, see Add sample to existing sample data

New option to set the text colour and font size for labels in tables, see Spreadsheet visuals

New option to export a Reflect database from the Tables setup menu

New option to use formats for zero in spreadsheet tables, see Spreadsheet options

New option to use an Invade dialling system, see Project global settings, CATI tab.

New option to set the background colour for labels in tables, see Spreadsheet options

New option to list serial numbers to file in data view window report menu

New context menu (right click) in Data view window to list all answers for a record.

New main menu options to create input files (.qif) for Classic Input and Telin, see Make QIF

New main menu options to create, view, and edit a quota file

New main menu option to create the sample data files from an Excel/OpenXML sheet.

Separate CATI tab in Project global settings

Serial number width of 0 meaning no serial number, is now allowed in Project global settings.

New serial number range settings and upload details in Input tab, see Project global settings

Table runs now use the internal preprocessor

New CL menu option to run the internal preprocessor

Version 2019.1

New format SIG settings for t test instead of Z test on table rows, see Significance formats

New extended feature in Responses block update to apply and remove ranking from multiple entries

Running a CL script or converting a CSV file to Spreadsheet now allow options and some important formats to be changed

New Companion Reflect program replaces old Classic Reflect program

Companion can now open Reflect files (.qrfx and .qrf) to produce tables

New option to ignore carry forward text in Project global settings

Format default changed to ESS (true)

Improved Excel/OpenXML tables output

Improved Combine data files for Android data collection

New option in Data merge to accept multi data where each response has its own column

New block replace option in Entry rename. Extended facilities licence needed.

Some format options now have different default values, use RLW24/CLW9/SMA'*'/SMB'*' to revert to Classic defaults

Portable CSV data files can now be used for tables

Revised OpenXML/Excel tables output

Appointments data files (... Partial.asc) can now be analysed whilst CATI interviewing is in progress

New spreadsheet option to hide the "Return to contents sheet" text in OpenXML/Excel tables

New spreadsheet option to merge significance markers with data cells

Grid tables from similar entries, see Tables overview

Version 2018.2

New + button for value variables to add a number of other value entries together

New Analysis option to create, update and run tables using a QTF file, default output is an OpenXML/Excel file, see Tables setup

Named random entries can be used to repeat a random order for subsequent question sets or response lists, see Randomise questions and Entry details question

New batch run export, see Data export

New data export to give a data listing by entry with a row for each answered question, see Data export

New Project global setting to disable the "Not tried" button when CATI sample is retrieved.

Version 2018.1

Running a tables QTF now has the option to change any of the Tables overall settings

New Main window menu CATI options to encrypt telephone numbers in sample files

New Main window menu Tools option to preserve the main window column widths

Faster project opening for projects with a lot of entries

New Main window menu Analysis option to produce a combinations report for multi-coded entries

New Main window menu Analysis option to export a Reflect database (QRFX)

New Main window menu Analysis option to run a CL script file (STP)

Excel table cells coloured red or green if SMA'+'/SMB'+' used with SHG0 or SHG11-12

New Main window menu Analysis option to convert tables from QPSMR Classic programs to Excel

New option in Weight data window to stop calculation when a weight is constrained

New Main window menu Analysis option to run a tables file (QTF) built with QPSMR Classic programs

Entries from the entry list can now be selected by typing the entry name in Data drill down

New Main window menu File option to export any project to SPSS and triple-s

New Main window menu Data option to hand over a data file to a similar project with a different data layout

Data drill down window calculations speeded up

Serial numbers and integer entries and constants can be up to 15 digits

More than one TELNUM entry will cause a version 3 CATI file sample index to be created that contains up to 3 TELNUM numbers

Exports to triple-s, SPSS, and Quantum now ignore entries in hidden groups

New option in Entry details question settings to mark a question as locked to prevent changes to preset values

New [Project] Main window menu item to output all response texts to a file

New option in Data export to put out the question texts as the first row under the header row

Version 2017.2

Distinction analysis can now be viewed in an Open XML (Excel) file from Data drill down window

Improvements and new Tables global options for Distinction mode in Data drill down window

Data view now uses the new input style for updating that shows more than one question at a time

New [File] Main window menu item to open file explorer in the folder where the project is saved

Now handles CATI Partial and Sample data files which need special treatment when refreshed or saved

New [CATI] Main window menu item to produce a summary report from a CATI sample index file

Version 2017.1

New merge data facilities for coding and forcing data

New Distinction mode in Data drill down window to quickly list distinguishing features of particular subsets of the data

New data copy and convert on the Main window menu to convert a data file to another type

Revamped Data merge facility

New options in Project global settings for CATI input with QPSMR Telin

New option on Main window menu to select entry groups to be hidden from the main list, see Hide groups

New option on the Data drill down window toolbar to select entry groups to be hidden from the list, see Hide groups

Version 2016.2

New Merge data option to specify the separator for multiple texts in the same column

New option on Main window menu to output only the texts that interviewers will see (for translation)

Any entry in entry group "HIDE" will be greyed on Main window and will not be shown in the Data drill down window

New option on Entry details window - variable to allow references to entries later in the project (for randomised entries)

New Data export option to output a text instead of blank for undefined values

New option to request standard deviations in the Data drill down window

New option to test all columns against each other using column markers in the Data drill down window

If using a Unicode QDF this is shown in the main window title

New Merge data facility to merge new data with existing records (portable and forcing data hand-over)

New decimal places setting for float questions and variables, used when displaying, saving or exporting data (Companion only)

New question responses toolbar items to move responses up and down when designing the project

New Data refresh option from Main window menu to read and save a data file, all filters and variables are recalculated and applied

New Project global settings to use fixed response locations for a multi-coded entries (Companion only)

Controls tab in Project global settings is split into two: General and Input

Version 2016.1

New Main window toolbar buttons

New Main window answers menu to enter data using an input file

New Main window analysis menu to analyse data using an analysis file

New Main window edit menu to add column identifiers for significance tests

Applied filters block update can now remove response filters

Global Study ID setting in Project global settings

New ZZZSTU and ZZZCEI entries

Verbatim entries can be used in the Data drill down window

Option to suppress view of CATI phone numbers in Project global settings

Input now puts more than one question at a time on the screen

CAPI projects can capture GPS coordinates of the interview (Companion only), see ZZZ questions

Can remove multiple selected filters in Applied filters block update

Upgraded to work with Windows 10 and on high resolution screens

New font settings for older Windows versions in Options settings

Version 2015.2

Minor improvements to the Open existing project

Input files now use extension qpsmrinp and include any image files used by project

New Data view window menu option to show only columns (entries) that have errors

Major updates to Data drill down window and Tables global:

oNew filters can be created from scratch or from other entries

oFilters can be updated and are available for reuse

oRespondent weighting separated from quantity weighting

oFigures and percentages can be shown together

oBlank row and column suppression

oSignificance levels set separately for colours, markers and confidence intervals

oPartial data view has option to create an Excel / OpenXML file of the view

Variables are marked with a purple dot

Row label width and column width can be set

Data export now produces Excel / OpenXML or CSV file

Open existing project new option to browse for analysis (qpsmran) files

No longer need to set the location of the latest QPSMR Classic program in Options settings

Version 2015.1

Data drill down has new Tables global options

Project global settings has a new Controls option for a Winsock connection to a PDS system for CATI

Data drill down now performs Z tests and t- tests using column identification markers

New option in Tables global to suppress cell colouring in spreadsheet output

New option in Tables global to set levels for significance testing

New option in Main window menu to convert variables to questions

OpenXml spreadsheet files (.xlsx) properly constructed can be used as data files

Data drill down now performs Z tests and t- tests on each column against "the rest"

Data Drill Down colours cells that are "significantly" higher or lower than the other columns

You no longer need Excel installed on the same computer to produce spreadsheet reports

New option to set program to use for spreadsheets (usually Excel) in Options settings

Data Drill Down now produces OpenXML spreadsheet files (.xlsx) directly

Data Drill Down now adds appropriate extra rows/columns including means to tables produced

New option in Tables global to produce a single worksheet instead of a separate sheet for each table

Data view window menu [View] [Export view] now creates an OpenXML spreadsheet file (.xlsx) that highlights errors

New toolbar buttons and menu items to move selected responses up or down in Entry details window - variable

Version 2014.2

Weighted tables can be produced with Data drill down

Decimal places can be set for Data drill down using the Tables global

Weighting speeded up and individual weights can be constrained to a range of values

New button in Data check to view structural errors in the raw data file

New setting in Project global settings, controls to check for items not compatible with Classic Input and Telin (CATI)

New arithmetic functions to get the smallest or largest value found in a list of other entries, see Arithmetic definition user control

New logic test to compare the values of two entries, see Select test and Logic definition user control; this can be used to find the largest or smallest answer given to a set of questions

Version 2014.1

New global option to zero fill multi-coded unused raw data columns in character data files

New facility to create and open an Analysis file (qpsmran)

New Data drill down window for interrogating a data file using filters and tables which can be output to Excel

New triple-s import which treats value code="0" as a reject category

The triple-s CSV import now converts the CSV data file to a compatible format

Filters and response restrictors can be added to questions by dragging them from the main window into the Entry details window filters tab

Single response filters can be added to question responses by dragging the filter onto the responses in the Entry details window responses tab

Filters can be added to variables by dragging them from the main window into the Entry details window filters tab

Loading data files speeded up

New facility to create multiple filters from responses in an entry, see Create filters

New option in Data view window to export the data as viewed to CSV or Excel

New options to handle CSV files with extra rows at the top, see Raw CSV file treatment

Input visuals for single-coded and multi-coded questions have been changed

Version 2013.2

New Combine data files to put together input data files for analysis

Variables can be stored in the data (Companion only))

Live data can now be entered for paper and CAPI projects, see the new Input options and Input data window

Option to combine short/split lines in raw data view, see Raw data treatment

Main menu changes to separate Answers (data entry) and Raw data menus, see Main window menu

New question setting for integer and character questions to move on when full during data entry (not honoured in Classic)

Response keys for single-coded and multi-coded questions can be suppressed during data entry, see Input options and Input pause

Version 2013.1

Test input has option to show  list of entries, see Input pause

Test CAPI input for the whole project or selected entries only, see Input data window

A 64 bit version is now available

Warns if a data file with .ASC extension  is actually a Unicode encoded file

New test data input for paper projects for the whole project or selected entries only, see Input data window

New ZZZ questions to collect data file creation information

New option in Entry select to select direct and indirect references to and from an entry

New option in Entry select to select all entries except those passing the criteria set

New Main window toolbar buttons to move selected entries up or down the list of entries

New Main window menu options to move selected entries up, down, to the top, to the bottom, of the list of entries